١٠٫٠٠ EGP
Card Available for sale through 8/10/2025
Egypt Post issues a commemorative miniature sheet within the framework of its participation in the EuroMed Postal Union competition under the theme “Sports in the Mediterranean”, that aims to promote communication among Union’s member countries. Each country submits a design that reflects nature of the theme of the year.
Technical specifications:
Date of issue : 8/7/2024
Type of issue : Commemorative miniature sheet
Issue denomination: L.E 10
Issue dimensions : 10 × 12.5 cm
Printing type : Offset
Colors : Multi colors
Issue quantity : 7000 miniature sheet
700 First Day Covers
Designer : Dr. Ashraf Zaki
Printing House : Egypt Post Printing House
Hotline: 16789
Email: cs@egyptpost.org